Yesterday I went shopping with my friend Marta, we went to the city center looking for a zebra T-shirt cause I had to attend a party dressed as a party animal... well, we didn't find the print T-shirt, but I found another interesting new pieces for my closet.
Among some basics, I found this jacket:
It is from H&M and costs 30 Pounds now that they offer a 10 pounds discount in all jackets :D:D:D
I'm still not sure about if I should keep it or not, all I know is that I love it! What do you think?
I'm gonna show you what I was wearing... Marta took a few pics of me:
It was a rainy day so I decided to wear boots rather than my new shoes, but I'll show you when I wear them...
I hope you like it!!
Thanks for reading!
La falda está muy bien :)
ResponderEliminar¡Besitos fashionistas!
el abrigo es precioso! y me encanta como ibas, te han quedado genial las superposiciones de capas!
ResponderEliminaryou should consider keeping it..I think it would make a great investment piece for next winter :)
ResponderEliminareclectic du jour
I love your style! U look great! Congratulation for your blog: it's amazing!
Usually not my style (either?), but you should definitely keep it-- it's a great statement piece!
ResponderEliminarFab outfit! Looks super comfy and stylish :)
that cardigan is so cute! i want it.
ResponderEliminarthat leopard jacket is insane! love! rather jealous of all countries with h&m right now :(
ResponderEliminarI think the jacket looks pretty cool but not exactly sure about how you are going to match it with. Perhaps it can be a good investment?
ResponderEliminarI think you should keep the coat! It looks great! :D
ResponderEliminarKeep! I love the jacket - love your shades and chunky cardigan too! un look muy veraniego aunque en realidad me estaba muriendo de frio...jajajaja
ResponderEliminary tu look de compras es genial...y por supuesto que te tienes que quedar con ese abrigo...yo tengo uno muy parecido de mango...y me alegro un montón de habermelo comprado...le he sacado un montón de partido....
love the jacket, keep it :) x
ResponderEliminarthat jacket it leopard print
I also want that jacket :DD
ResponderEliminarguapaa!! love ur outfit!!
ResponderEliminarlove the look. looks cozy and comfortable yet totally stylish!
ResponderEliminarWalk of Fashion
i say keep the jacket!!! it looks so warm and comfortable. and i think it is such a bold and fun look, which is much needed during the winter! so classy, i cant wait to see you post an outfit with that jacket incorporated! :) (if you keep it, that is..;)
ResponderEliminarThank you everyone for your comments! I finally kept it! I'll show you how I've worn it... hehehe.
ResponderEliminarYou make me feel really good! Thanks a lot!!