First of all, I'm so sorry I haven't post anything for the past days... I've been so busy and the truth is that I didn't even have a clue about what my next post would be about. And secondly, in the meantime, I bought some new shoes!! :D I'll tell you the story...
Last week I was in a shop just having a look when suddenly I fell in love with a pair of shoes, but I decided not to buy them. But what I wasn't expecting was that, when a few days past, I looked into that store's web page and I saw the price... they were on sale and cost 10 Pounds!!!
I was so glad, and the very next day, I bought these gorgeous PEEP TOE BOOTS!
I have to admit. The rason why I looked on the website was this:

I just thought they had 'the same' cut and it immediatelu reminded me about these shoes I had tries a week before.
I'm sorry the pics are a bit 'poor', but it's the best I can do in this small bedroom...
I'll show you my outfits when I wear them (maybe tomorrow), because i still haven't post any outfit.
Hope you like them as much as I do!
I forgot to say! Thank you to everyone is following me and those who take a bit of your time to write a comment! It really means a lot for me and I really appreciate it!
Thank you very much!
Take care! ;)
NIce blog and post... if you want visit my blog and bloglovin if you want follow me...
The shoes are really nice :)
ResponderEliminarI like your blog ;)
Me gustan las grises (grey)
que monos!! me encantan los grises. te sigo
ResponderEliminarpues yo como no soy de grises, me quedo con las negras. te sigo guapa
ResponderEliminarlove them!!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarWalk of Fashion
thanks a lot!!!
ResponderEliminarit feels great to make a great buy!!!
Thanx for your comments! They make me so happy :D
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias a todos! Me pongo contenta al ver los comments!
oh these are cool shoes! u have an AWESOME blog!
ResponderEliminarCHECK OUT MY BLOG!
amelia xx
Feaaaa, did u buy both?? black and grey? I didnt know that, maybe we can wear both when u r here, hahaha. see u soon!
ResponderEliminarOh my gosh, these shoes are GORGEOUS! So chic! By the way, your blog is really great. JUST SAYIN'! :D
Cute shoes!
ResponderEliminarx fashionnerdic
The shoes are beautiful!
ResponderEliminarYou can never get enough of those!
genial tu razón, a mi también me convence, sin duda !!! Besos y feliz fin de semana
ResponderEliminaryes, but in green and small look cute...
ResponderEliminarThe shoes look great in grey. I like the with the Taylor's denim jeans.
Great blog, I like the post of MKA ^^
so many people who love to wear high heel shoes or in very comfortable style many styles you can get ...peep toe shoe is the best style to wear.... visit our site for getting high heels in each and in every style..!!